Tuesday, August 19, 2008


After the fest in Cachoeira we moved to Valença
M. Cobrinha has fazenda there.

The place is really nice. Cobrinha has a lot of land there.
We had an opportunity to train with mestre and to work in the field =)

We helped to plant different plants, gather manure and helped to do many other things.

Besides that we walked in jungles, eat fruits from the trees: cacao, bananas, coconuts, graviola, jaco, jambo, carambol, lemons and oranges. Tried sugar cane. Very sweet and has a lot of water.
We saw how is growing pineapple, black pepper, cinnamon and cloves. And more and more.

The most interesting thing was when we went to get beribas for vergas.
We went through deep(for me at least) jungles, looking for good beribas to cut them for vergas.
I cut one and looks like it's going to be gunga. Very interesting experience. The jungles are really dangerous - the forest protects itself. There is not a lot of animals, but plants are really dangerous - with thorns, sticky ant tricky.

People are really nice there. Always saying "Hello" and smiling.

We had trainings and a small roda there.
Sharon, girl from Israel joined the trainings and roda. The interesting thing that she fell in love with the guy from Brazil and decided to to stay here. They have some land there and building a house.
Although she didn't traing for some time she is a good capoerista.


Unknown said...

What is vergas?

Ni@m said...

Verga is a part of berimbau ;)

Unknown said...

Дякую за відповід.
З днем незалежності України!
У нас сьогодні парад та перша злива за останні два місяці.


Мамо , тато, дідусь та бабуся.